Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#2: Setting

Each of you has chosen a different book related to the Holocaust. My expectation is that you have read at least the first 20 pages.
PROMPT: 1. Title and author
2. Select a passage that describes the setting. Quote that passage and in your own words, describe the setting. Where and when does the story take place? Is the setting incidental or crucial? Explain.


Anonymous said...

The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender

The book I am reading starts out in present day in New York. “It is spring. It is good to be alive. I had no nightmares last night.” The narrator has a young daughter who asks her a question about why her grandparents were killed by the Nazis. This question triggers a sensitive issue and we flashback to 1939.
The setting is Poland in the springtime. We see a family preparing for Passover, hustling about, excited for the holiday. The festive mood is spoiled by mention of Germans and traitors and the young boy, a friend of the Jewish family, is suspected of being a spy.
German soldiers invade Lodz, Poland and Ruth’s life unravels. Her friend from childhood joins the Hitler Youth; her neighbors, non-Jews, take her possessions; she is forced to wear the yellow Star of David. “The streets are covered in darkness. Deserted. It is long past the hour for curfew for Jews.”
I finished the carpenter when all Jews were evicted from their homes and ordered to meet at the synagogue. There families were separated and Rita is taken to a ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Dear Students,
I am figuring out the tricks of this site and wanted to add to my previous comment, which I mistakenly signed anonymous. I think after posting a comment, you have to choose an identity, selecting other, then typing your first name and last initial.

In response to the first prompt, I did not mention that the setting is crucial; Ruth's autobiography had to be set in Nazi-occupied Europe. This is an instance in history where several factors, Anti-Semitism, worldwide economic depression, Germany's need for a charismatic leader, all joined and created the Holocaust. It could not occur at another time or place.

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Anonymous said...

The book I'm reading is set in Holland on July 14 1942.
In the first couple of pages everything was going fine until I went on and it talked about the Jews and how they where being treated bad because of Hitler. Hitler hated the Jews so he made them ware a star with six points and it was yellow to show people they were Jews. They had to be inside before eight. They were only allowed to go shopping between three and five and allot of other things. Everything went fine until until one day and Annes family got a call back notice Margot said that it was for her father but the truth was it was for Margot her sister. The rest of the twenty pages was when they had to run away and go into hiding. They went to Annes fathers business and in the way back was a room hidden called the Secret Annexe. Here is a quote from the book when Anne was describing the room “ On the left a tiny passage brings you into a room which was to become the Frank family's bed-sitting-room next door to a smaller room”. The setting is crucial because it was set in 1942 when hitler was taking away Jews to camps and killing people because of race and disability making other people believe that they were no good.

Anonymous said...

Maus art spiegelman

Maus is like a comic book and the son is interviewing the father through out the story. There are two different settings in this book. The first is in present day New York. “ I went to see my father in Rego Park”. This setting is incidental because he could be interviewing his dad anywhere,
The second setting starts out in Poland. “ I still want to draw a book about your life in Poland and the war”. There is a ticket that says 1935. The setting and time is crucial because the story is all about picture how the Jews were involved in the war and how they were treated in Poland.

Anonymous said...

Paige G.

The name of the book that I am reading is called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. The narrator in this book is first person. In the quote “Annemarie distanced her friend quickly, even though one of her shoes came untied as she sped along the street called Osterbrogade, past the small shops and cafes of her neighborhood here in northeast Copenhagen” we find out where the setting is taking place.
In the beginning of the book we meet the main character who is Annemarie, her sister Kirsti, and Annemarie's friend Ellen. They are racing on Osterbrogade street and when they reach the corner to go home they meet two German soldiers. One of the soldiers tells them to “Halte!” The girls where then asked why they had been running. The girls had been practicing for the race at school on friday. After a little more conversation with the soldiers they are allowed to finish walking home. When they arrived at the apartments Ellen went inside her home on the second floor; Annemarie and Kirsti continued up for they lived on the third floor. Annemarie decides that when she gets inside her house that she is not to tell her mother, but when she gets home her sister Kirsti had beaten her there, and her mom had already been told what had happened. Her mother says that “they must be edgy because of the latest Resistance incidents.” There was an illegal newspaper called De Frie Danske – The Free Danes. The Resistance people where Danish people who were determined to cause the Nazi's harm. They bombed the Nazi trucks, cars, and factories. If the Free Danes were caught they were to be killed.
I would say that the setting is crucial because it takes place when the Nazi's were trying to exterminate all the Jews. The setting seems to be a normal ordinary town except there are two German soldiers at the corner of every street . It seems as though the Germans have been in their town for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Warren
Surviving Hitler
The story I am reading now is taking place in 1939. The story is about a 12 year old boy,Jack Mandelbaum. He lived with his father,mother,older sister and younger brother in Gdynia on the shores of the Baltic Sea before the Nazi soldiers invaded the territory. “Our city was the pride of Poland,” Jack recalled ,remembering his childhood.
Jack had curly blond hair and blue eyes. He collected stamps and begged ship captains for ones far away places. He kept his stamps neatly categorized in books and loved to imagine the strange an exotic countries they came from.
His father was a prosperous owner of fish cannery .
Jack's mother dressed elegantly. She wore silk dresses,high heels,jewelry,and hats with veils. In cold weather she wore her fur coat. She was very beautiful,with dark eyes and long shiny black hair,which arranged in the latest style from Paris.
“Mama was the heart of our home” Jack said.
His sister was serious and studious. She was 3 years older than Jack. “ Jadzia loved music and listened to Italian opera on the radio while she was doing her homework. She had perfect penmanship. she was gentle and kind. I remember that she wore little gold earrings with her school uniform. She had black hair and big hazel-colored eyes.” Jack said.
His brother was 5 years younger than he was. he was a handsome little boy and had his mother jet black hairs and dark eyes. As Jack,Jakop loved playing sports.
The setting is crucial because we know that this situation happened in Gnydia,Poland in 1939,so we know the exact time and place.

Anonymous said...

The Holocaust Kid by Sonia Pilcer

“1972. I was managing editor of Movie Screen, the magazine of the stars. When I wasn't doing what I thought of as my real, work penning blood-eyed poems in a blue-lined notebook, I edited stories, composed captions for the gossip pix, calling Celebrity Service several times a day to check facts like the names and ages of Tom Jones's children.” So this book starts out in New York City in 1972. The narrator is a young woman named Zosha, born in Landsberg, Germany and raised in New York City by her Jewish parents. She works for a gossip magazine, and most of chapter one is about Zosha trying to write an article about Elizabeth Taylor.

Chapter two takes place in Landsberg, Germany around 1945. There isn't really a flashback from chapter one to chapter two, it simply changes from 1972 to 1945. The narrator is third person limited, which only talks about Genia's point of view. Chapter two focuses on Zosha, as a baby, and her mother, Genia Radon. Basically, Genia is running errands near the barracks in Landsberg, where she lives with her husband and Zosha because of the Holocaust. The story describes the barracks and says, “After the war, these camps sheltered thousands of “displaced persons,” refugees whose families had been killed. They had nowhere to go. Most of them had little in common except memories that haunted them and gnawing desperation, speaking a Babel of tongues, and more kept arriving.” Genia goes to the post office and receives a letter giving her permission to go to America. When she returns to the barracks, she hears her loud neighbors talk through the thin walls of the barrack, and waits for her husband to get home to give him the good news.

Anonymous said...

My Brother's Voice by Stephen Nasser

The book I'm reading first begins with a setting on the Bavarian countryside during the Holocaust. The author makes this clear in the second sentence by writing “The cattle train in which I'm riding through the Bavarian countryside suddenly slows down.” The narrator was fourteen years old and he was the only one left his family, all the others had been murdered by Hitler's elite uniformed officers who ran the Concentration Camps. He starts off telling his story when the war was ending. He was nearly dead when he was rescued by a group of American soldiers and flown to a hospital. He had been in the hospital for several weeks until he finally woke up. When he awoke he was severely malnourished and he couldn't even get out of his bed without the help of a doctor. In the next few chapters, Stephen is still in the hospital but he is telling his story and his history to one of the nurses, and has dreams and flashbacks that take place in Hungary and in the Concentration Camps. Each chapter usually begins with a different setting. I think the setting is crucial because the Holocaust only occurred once and in one country. It could not of taken place in America, for example, because the Holocaust was in Europe.

Anonymous said...

In My Hands by Irene Gut Opdyke

This book is set in Poland. It first starts out when the main character Irene is a young girl. Then it jumps ahead in time to when she begins studying to become a nurse. In the year 1938 she goes to the city of Radom to start her studies. Irene describes Radom like this, ”The city was an industrial center, which filled the smoky air with rank, animal-chemical smell.” While Irene is there studying the Germans come in and are trying to take over Poland. Many people are wounded and Irene, only being a student, has to help. I think the setting is very crucial because a war has just started. The Germans are taking over Poland. The time and place play a big role in the story.

Anonymous said...

Ten Thousand Children
by Anne L. Fox and
Eva Abraham-Podietz

The book that I am reading has a ton of different short true stories told by children who escaped the holocaust on the Kindertransport. One of the short stories in the book is about a young Jewish girl and her sister trying to get out of Russia and go to England. "What is happening? Why are all of these people in the street? i asked my older sister Ruth. we were on our way home from school,which was usually only a short walk along a tree-lined, cobble stone street. But today the way was blocked by noisy crowds milling around. I groped for Ruth's hand so i could hold on to her. I was afraid that the mob would separate us. Hitler is coming! The Fuehrer is coming to Cologne."
The setting is in Cologne Germany. During the beginning of the holocaust. There is two young Jewish girls who get caught in a mob full of people who are waiting for Hitler to come through the city. With his motorcade. Everybody there was screaming out
"Sieg Hail!" The girls did not know what to do so they just put up their right arms and did the Hitler salute. The girls never talked to anyone about doing the Hitler salute ever again.

Anonymous said...

Title: Escape or Die
Author: Ina R. Friedman

My book is a compilation of the accounts of Holocaust survivors and takes place in different countries. The story I'm going to talk about for this topic takes place mostly in Germany, then switches to Cuba, and finally the U.S. The story starts off in Trebnitz, Germany sometime in the 1938. “ As we approached our town of Trebnitz, my father and I stopped to look at the sunset.” This gives a good explanation of the time and place of the story. When they reach the town their synagogue and house were on fire and SS soldiers were setting fire to other buildings and taking jew prisoner. Many things happen, the father and son find their family and eventually escape and get on a boat to Cuba. They get there and have to stay in jail until some relatives in America pay for their entrance fee. When they get the money the leave for Havana for a boat to America. “In the lush green hills of Cuba I learned to cut sugar cane and harvest fruit until out visas came.” Cuba seems to be pretty abundant in fruit trees and sugar cane. The story doesn't go on to explain what America is like, but Richmond, Virginia, which I would assume to be heavily populated and built up with buildings.

Anonymous said...

In Kindling Flame By Linda Atkinson

This book tells the story of the life of Hannah Senesh (1931-1945), a Jewish woman who escaped the first onslaught of Hitler's armies and then returned to Hungary and died saving her people. The first twenty pages of the book talk about the early years of Hannah's life. Her family was from Budapest, her parents were named Bela and Catherine Senesh. Bela Senesh was a leading playwright and regular columnist in the local paper. He was a very determined man, but had rheumatic fever as a child so the doctors told him that he would die young. When Hannah was six and her brother was seven, their father died. This had a great effect on her but it was not negative, but positive for it made her more poetic and even more determined in life, for she wanted to be like her father. To Hannah, her father was a great person because no matter how busy he was, he always made time for his family.
Hannah's mother, Catherine, wanted the best for her children, and so when it was time for Hannah's and George's (Hannah's brother) schooling, she did her wanted the best, but because of the times, and their religion, going to the best school for her children would prove to be a challenge, but even after being forced to pay three times the tuition, for their education, Catherine made sure her children got the best.
While in school, Hannah was a straight A student and was very worried when she got anything lower then a high A. Hannah was extremely busy, and all of her diary entries were filled with the excitement of her days, it was not until the after she went back to school in 1937, did her religion finally hinder this young girls accomplishments, because she was Jewish, she was not elected into the position of Secretary of the Literary Society. Hannah seemed to take this hard, but her surface emotions did not show it, for instead of getting angry, she lost all drive and interest in the society. It was not until months later did her spirit return, when she purchased her first party dress and went to a very beautiful concert. Hannah had many possible dates for the concert, but nobody at her school caught her eye, so she remained dedicated to having safe fun and her school work.

Anonymous said...

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Hitler Youth.

Throughout history what we know today as Germany, is the land which has cultivated the spirit and mentality of the warrior and the knight, amongst it's people. In last century Europe and the world has witnessed two greatest wars of all times. In 1919, after losing WW1, allies impose harsh conditions on German people through the Treaty of Versailles. This was the direct cause and the reason why certain people embraced Hitler, the Nazi Party and its ideology. In 1926 Hitler Youth was formed, this organization by promising it's members (ages 12-14), excitement, adventure, friendship. It also provided opportunity to rebel against authority and passivity. Hitler in many speeches to these Youths glorified them, and in turn they worshipped him.
To the degree, that in 1933 Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. His hypnotic voice convinced many people that he is the one who can get Germany out of the political mess, the Communists and the Jews got them into. Hitler Youth had their own hero, a 14 year old boy named Herbert Norkus who was stabbed and killed by Communist youngsters.
I have a friend, named Horst Wulf whose parents were present at the speech Hitler was gave in Potsdam, Germany in October, 1932. They, as many others were also in a state of worship of their leader, my friend, not his parents still admires Hitler. Unfortunately I don't have a clear opinion yet about times and things which happened years ago.
I Like the power discipline dedication, love of land and country the Hitler Youth shows, but I like to have individuality, and mind of my own. I would not like to be used by the people with power to manipulate me into their way of being and thinking, not then not now.

Anonymous said...

I Have Lived A Thousand Years by, Livia Bitton-Jackson

“…In our town we have only one paved street, the main street. And it is not wide. We have neither tall buildings, nor street cars, only horse-drawn carts and two automobiles. One of them belongs to my friend’s father.”
“Ours is a small farming town at the edge of the small Carpathian foot hills. The lovely hills loom in a blue haze towards the west. To the south, the Danube, the cool, rapid river, pulsates with the promise of life. How I love to swim in its clear blue, surging ripples, and lie in the shade of the little forest hugging its banks.” The story takes place in Somorja, summer of 1943-March 1944. It seems like a pretty old fashioned small town, out in the country. “The walk through the open pasture is pleasant and cool, but the town is hot and dusty we reach home. The sheep arrive before us and it is they who churn up the dust. But soon the dust settles, and so does the night. A dark velvety blanket of silence wraps the town snugly against the intrusion of the outside world. The stars, one by one, light up the dirt roads and the single paved street of the town. By nine o’clock all is quiet. Here and there one hears the bark of a restless dog. Soon the dog, too, will be asleep.” As you can see she uses a lot of detail into what the town is like. It seems to be quiet and peaceful, and they are one whole community.

Anonymous said...

In my hands by Irene Gut Opdyke

The book I am reading starts off by taking place in Kozienice. "Kozienice is a small village in eastern poland." Through out the beginning of the book it talks about the narrator and her family. What they have done in the past and some traditions that they have as a family. The narrator has two sisters, one older and one of them are younger.
The book is around the spring time it sounds like by the descriptions that are given. Like "the breeze carried the scent of the lilacs," and "the grasses brushed their ankles with dew as they passed."
The time period is in May in 1921. I think that the setting is crucial because of the time period and where it took place because it was a very major setting and a lot happened in that time period around that area.

Anonymous said...

Zach K.

Friedrich by: Hans Peter Richter

My story took place in germany in the early 1930's. I think the setting is crucial because i has to happen in germany because thats were the Nazis were taking over. My story is about a little boy has has some new neighbors that are jewish. He becomes friends with the youngest boy in the jewish family whose name is Fridrich. At first the boy is scared to play with Friedrich because he doesn't want to share his toys but they become friends at the end of the day. It turns to winter and the mothers father comes to visit so the mom cleans up the house for his arrival. He comes and he finds out that the boy has a jewish friend and doesn't want him to play with the jewish boy anymore. The boy continues to play with Friedrich.

Anonymous said...

No Pretty Pictures by Anita Lobel

"I was born in Krakow, Poland. In a wrong place at a wrong time." It takes place in 1939 and is told in first person. The girl who is telling the story is a young girl around the age of six or seven. Her name is unknown right now. You find out that she has a three year old brother, a mother and father. She also has a nanny which is a close friend of the family. The girl's mother saw the German's come into the city, and then the German's soon took all their valuable possessions. The little girl misses her father because he had to leave home because men were in more danger then the women and children. One day, the mother came home crying because the German's had deported her parents and her sister. After that, the little girl's mother and her nanny decided that the two kids were not safe in that city. They moved to the village of Lapanow. After a while, German's were there and deporting more people. They were next on the list so they ended up moving to Niania 's hometown and decided to dress the young boy up as a girl, so he'd be safer. That was where the 20 pages ended.

The setting is crucial because it has to happen in 1939 because that's when the German's were deporting everyone and making them leave. They were also taking everyone's posessions. It took place in the places so far; Krukow, Lapanow, and Niania's hometown.

Anonymous said...

Echoes from the Holocaust
A memoir
Mira Ryczke Kimmelman

In the beginning of my book it talks about how Mira and her family are happy and live in Zoppot. At the end of march 1928 she and her family moved to Danzig. She says, “ In 1937 Nazi laws were getting quite strict in Danzig.” The Jews were totally separated from the rest of the population. She and the other Jewish children had to go to non Germen schools, and they were treated bad. Later she and her family move once again, but to a Polish city called Gdynia in hopes to be safe.
It's crutial because this could have only happend during WWII. This couldn't have happend any other time, and it had to be in the parts of Europe that were being invaded by the Nazis.

Anonymous said...

Number the stars by.Lois Lowry

The story I am reading took place in Germany during the war.
“For a little girl, you have a long memory,”she told Kirsti. “There hasn't
been any butter, or sugar for cupcakes, for a long time. A year,at least.”
“When will there be cupcakes again?”“When the war ends,”Mrs. Johansen
said. She glanced through the window, down to the street corner where the soldiers stood, their faces impressive beneath the metal helmets. “When the soldiers leave.”I think in this story setting is crucial because if you don't know the situation you can't understand why is the little girl can't eat cupcakes and
how does the war affect to people.

Anonymous said...

The Upstairs Room By:Johanna Reiss
The story I am reading is about a young girl, Annie and her family being Jews in Holland when Hitler was leading the Germans to war. The book starts out in 1938, where we find Annie's father listening intensely to the radio, which talked about Hitler, and Annie knew Hitler wasn't nice, but she didn't know why. The story then goes on and Annie's aunt and uncle leave Holland to go to America. Her father wants to move as well but her mother is to tired and sick to move. Instead they build a house by Winterswijk, where Annie's mother thought they would be just as safe as if they were in America. “ The new house stood all by itself in the middle of meadows and fields. In the distance but not to far away I could see the top part of the church, the one in the marketplace in Winterswijk.” This is Annie describing her new home that her father build for them, and the year was October 1941. The setting is crucial because this story takes place in a town in Holland, and in this time frame Hitler had invaded Holland and was staring to turn them against Jews. This story could only take place here because it needed to take place near Germany and it had to be in this time period because it would not have mattered if this story took place now because that was when there was hateful feelings towards Jews.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading a book called Stones in Water by: Donna Jo Napoli. In the first chapter you meet Robert, Memo, Serigo, and Samuele. Samuele is their Jewish friend he is not allowed to be without is Jewish arm band, Serigo has him take it off so they wont get in trouble for being with him. Then all the boys decide to go see an American movie and when the movie starts a bunch of German soldiers come in and take all the boys in the theater to trains to go fight the war. Also in this chapter Memo and Robert are talking about when Italy declared war on America and Memo told Robert that he was going to have to give him and his next girl a moonlight gondola ride to pay him back. They also talk about the Nazis recruiting young men to fight in the war. I think that the setting is crucial because no other country has gondola rides and World War II was fought mainly around the Italy, Germany area.

Anonymous said...

Daniel's Story by Carol Matas

Daniel's story is about a boy who is at the moment on a train leaving his country. He tells us his country Germany is being invaded. His uncle says “ have you heard of a man called Adolf Hitler?” and the response from danny who is only 10 at the time is “ He is the Chanskellur of Germany”. What Sparks him talking about his uncle is when he is on the train looking at pictures. The setting is in Germany and it is crucial because of the nazi party and the time period. The Nazi's are Taking over Daniel's town little by little.

Anonymous said...

You provide a detailed description of No Pretty Pictures, including quotes.
Run a spell check pre-posting.

You draw a very clear picture of your setting, including a variety of quotes and your own insights.

Number the Stars gives the perspective of a young girl; you describe the setting in Amsterdam very clearly.

You not only describe her present, horrid conditions, but the flashback to her past, happier days. Great incorporation of quotes.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm not sure if I can do this but I forgot to explain if the setting in The Holocaust Kid was crucial or not. If I'm still allowed to post on here, I'd like to explain that the setting is crucial. Because this story is set in the 1970s in New York and flashes back to Germany in the 1940s, it shows two points of view on the Holocaust. It shows Genia's point of view when she lived through the Holocaust, and Zosha's point of view after the Holocaust, when she was growing up. The setting is important because without America, Zosha wouldn't grow up in America and she wouldn't face some of the struggles of having parents that lived in Germany during the Holocaust. The same goes for Zosha's mother and father. If they had grown up in another place besides Germany, they may not have had to learn how to rebuild their lives in the U.S. and raise a child there. Also, if Zosha and her parents had stayed in Germany, this would be a completely different story.

Anonymous said...

Serena B said,

Tile-Number the stars by Lois Lowry.

I thought the narrator is first person because it basically tells says what she is thinking and how she's feeling at certain points in the book
In the book it describes a street call Osterbrogade which is basically all it says about where the story takes place.
The characters we meet are Annemarie,her sister kirsti, and a friend of Annemarie's name Ellen, they are al pretty close.
The setting is crucial because because it talks about the Nazi's trying to exterminate all the Jews.

Anonymous said...

1.Four Perfect Pebbles
By Lila Pearl and Marion Blumenthal Lazan

2. The first page of my book pretty much explains the setting, which is "Long before dawn crept through the windows of the wooden barrack, Marion strirred in Mama's arms. She had slept this way, wrapped in her mother's warmth, for many weeks now, ever since her family had arrived at the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen in north western Germany. All around her were the sounds of the other women and children, lying in the three-decker bunks that ran the length of the barrack. As Marion came awake, the rattling coughs, and short, piercing cries. And there was the ever-present stench of unwashed bodies, disease, and death." That all basically explain how horrible the concentration camp is and where it is. The setting is crucial because without the concentration camp and being in Germany then there would be no story at all.

Anonymous said...

The author is Art Spiegelman

I went to see my father in Rego park. I had not seen him in a long time we weren't that close.
in that setting it tells wear he yous to live in rego park and it also seed that he was not that close to his father. when he is a kid it takes place in rego park ny in 1958 . I think the setting is coracle and i do not think it could tack place en where els because he ends up in in rush-u.

Anonymous said...

1. Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders by Raul Hilberg
2. The setting in this book is mainly in 1930s and 1940s Germany. I know this because of the quote: "Hitler preoccupied himself with vestiges of the Jewish presence in Germany. As of April in 1940, he dismissed half Jews with certain exceptions from the army." This shows that the setting is around 1940 in Germany. Later the book goes until May 1st, 1945, when Hitler killed himself. The setting also includes concentration camps, where a lot of the book takes place because a lot of the book is about the holocaust. Some other things that should be mentioned about the setting are that the book doesn't really have one setting because it tells about lots of places. Poland and Ukraine can be settings because they are places that the book mentions as places Germany wanted to take land from. The setting is very crucial because if the setting wasn't in this exact place and time, there wouldn't be as much hate towards Jewish people and others that were victims of the holocaust. Hitler had most of the control over Germany at that time, which is why there was a lot of prejudice.

Anonymous said...

The author is Art Spiegelman

I went to see my father in Rego park. I had not seen him in a long time we weren't that close.
In that setting it tells were he was living, in Rego park and it also seed that he was not that close to his father. when he is a kid it takes place in Rego park NY in 1958 . I think the setting is coracle and i do not think it could takes place en where els because he ends up in in rush-u.

Anonymous said...

The Upstairs Room By: Johanna Reiss

The book I am reading takes place in 1938 in Winterswijk, Holland. “ It can't happen hear...safe here...this isn't Germany... this is Holland, you know....” That Hitler has war on his mind,Sophie,... and we're Jews, too....” The narrator is a young girl named Annie and at the time she was six years old when the war started.

In the setting we see that Annie is trying to get her fathers attention and show him something that she made. She was interrupted while her father was listening to the radio trying to figure out what Hitler is doing to Germany. Also in the setting we can see that Annie is also a little curious about what is going on with Hitler and Germany because she is asking questions like why didn't Hitler like German Jews? or why would he let Jews only buy food at a certain time. As the story goes on Annie's Uncle Bram and his wife left for the United states of America because they thought that Hitler would eventually move to Holland. Annie's father wanted to go but her mother did not want to go because she was to sick. The family had started to talk about a new house but by the time the German planes had started to come over to Holland the house was not ready. For a while Jewish kids were not allowed to go to school until people decided to form a school in a church for Jewish Kids to attend. In the spring of 1941 there was a tree in the middle of town that began to have announcements on it like Jews could not rent hotel rooms anymore. One of the posters said that Jews could not go to the beach or parks anymore.

The setting of the story is crucial because if the story would have taken place in a different time zone or place the story would not have the same affect that or meaning that it has now. If the story were to take place now in the world we live in the story would not have a very historical background .

Anonymous said...

1.”The Other Victims” by Ina R. Friedman

2.“I lived in Kagenfurt in southern Austria”.(12) The setting is in Southern Europe and it moves around to several different countries like Austria and Yugoslavia. The story takes place during the early years of World War 2. The main character Bubili Lives in the woods between the two countries and goes into towns on both sides for a while where he meets with other Gypsies who are running from the Germans just like him. The setting is crucial to the story it gives specific Locations and dates that key events took place.

Anonymous said...

Voices of the Holocaust by Hans Peter Richter

One of the stories that I read what called the "The Ball." It takes place in Ukraine in 1973. This is a crucial setting because in this story it has a Jewish boy who is playing ball with another non-Jew and the non-Jewish boy ends up breaking a window. Because the window broken the shop keeper automatically thinks that the Jewish boy was the one who broke the window. It is crucial because in this setting the Germans were taking over and the Jewish people were not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

In Kindling Flame
by Linda Atkinson

“There were four of them. Reuven,Yonah,Abba,and Hanna. Four young Jews on their way to Hitler's europe. each had escaped and found safety and freedom but now, on the thirteenth of march,1944,they were going back trained to fight the british.”

The setting is in europe in 1944 they are going back to try to fight the British and help stop the nazis and hitler. They are kind of undercover for germany. Sending info back to the Russian forces about what was happening in “Hitler's Europe” they have been trained to fight. use guns and radio
transmitters. The setting is also crucial because they could not be fighting Hitler anywhere els other then in eroupe.

yes I think it could happen any where even thought nothing at that mass has happen it kind of did right here in America with the african amaricans.

Anonymous said...

Maus by Art Spiegelman

Maus has many different locations as you progress throughout the book, but the country it is set in is Poland.
"I still want to draw that book about you... The one I used to talk to you about.. About your life in Poland, and the war."
Since this story is telling the events of the halocaust, the time setting is from 1933-1945, explaining all of the events that occured in between.
The setting is both crucial and incidental. It's crucial to the historical aspect of the story because the halocaust happened in Russia/Poland/Germany, yet also incidental to the storytelling because genocide occurs everywhere.Yet although the story's setting is somewhat incidental, crucial setting is dominating the story.

Anonymous said...

Also I forgot to describe the setting. When it's first being described, it's a little before the halocaust really came in full swing. Jews were just starting to become opressed. Some in other cities were being placed into the ghetto and some were having their rights taken away.

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